Are Niche Sites Still Profitable

Are Niche Sites Still Profitable

I was also curious to know, whether Niche Sites are able to bring me a lot of income before I jump right into it

Therefore, I decided to write this article and share with you my findings, so that I can follow some methods I found out and you may also utilize them as well!

Sites That Recommend Creating Niche Site

(1) Ahrefs

Ahrefs has a very strong reputation in the Online business industry and is famous for its SEO Tool. They have an article that teaches you how to create a niche site to earn 4 figures a month in 6 easy steps. Do you believe it? 6 easy steps, really? Let’s dive into it and see what they taught.

The article that they have written, tells you to use their tool Keywords Explorer to find those keywords with low keyword difficulty as low as 25. With the right keyword, write good content to rank on the 1st page of SERP. It emphasizes that you need to consider EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) when you create your content.

Link building is another area that Ahrefs points out that will greatly help to boost your website ranking. This is one area that I have not yet explored and would consider in the near future.

Others like (a) choosing the right niche (b) building your website (3) rinse and repeat, are basic requirements that you need to do. I find nothing new to learn.

My comment is, this article is not that useful for me as I already knew all the 6 steps before I read this article. I did not benefit much from reading this blog post.

(2) Brand Creators

This website was created by Scott Voelker to help people take action and create their own freedom by establishing their own brands.

I like his word -> TAKE ACTION. This is very important. Without taking any action, we will not be able to realize our dreams. I strongly agree with it.

Scott mentioned in his article that you can make money using 3 methods: (a) ads (b) affiliate links (c) selling products on your website. It will need to take at least 18 months to be profitable after you have created useful content and has much traffic coming to your site.

Again, I did not learn much from this article as the writing is very general and all online bloggers will know, you need to create content and attract traffic to your website. Nothing I have learned after reading the article.

(3) Income School

Income School was founded by Ricky Kesler and Jim Harmer in 2013. They teach people how to create an internet business through blogging and creating a YouTube channel.

By producing content that is helpful to your target audience, and using advertisements or affiliate links, you can make money from the vendors.

Here are the steps Income School taught you to do: (a) get a domain and hosting (b) set up your web design (c) collect content ideas and keywords (d) set up your publishing schedule (e) start producing content.

I find that the publishing schedule is useful to follow, as it allows you to plan your time in creating content to meet the publishing dateline. Without this schedule, I tend to relax too much and take it easy and delay my content creation.

Again, nothing unusual I can learn from this article, perhaps a more in-depth study of their YouTube channel will reveal more of their benefits.

(4) Quora

I can find people making comments on this social question-and-answer website.

Generally, their answers are:

  • (a) Yes, it is still profitable to create a niche site
  • (b) it takes 12 to 18 months to earn a profit
  • (c) require hard work to create many useful contents

I strongly agree that it takes time and determination. Based on my own experiences, you need at least 12 months to get Google to notice your website and generate sufficient traffic. All these require you to create content constantly and keep Google aware of your website activities.

(5) Nichehacks

Nichehacks is a community of entrepreneurs, affiliate marketers, influencers, experts and beginners, solopreneurs, and companies that come together to share their knowledge and expertise with the world.

Sounds unbelievable, isn’t it? In the current society, still have such a group of kind people helping others to succeed. This is nice to know.

This particular article on Nichehacks website is super long. It will take you a while to read through but I suggest you spend time going through it. You will learn a lot from this wonderful content.

There are important principles you need to follow, in order to have a successful niche site:

  • (a) Content is King
  • (b) Backlinks do matter

Follow these principles and you will be on the path to creating your own successful online business.

(6) Forbes

Forbes is a global media company that provides useful information concerning business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and lifestyle.

In this article, it tells you what are the 3 factors that contribute to a successful 6-figure Niche Website:

  • (a) create Quality content by publishing an in-depth article
  • (b) Focus on one or two large sites
  • (c) Patience is important because growing a niche site takes time, it could take months or years.

This is the advice given by Jon Dykstra, who is the founder of Fatstacksblog dot com.
I 100% agree with these 3 important factors and have started using these 3 pointers to grow my online business.

How Much You Can Make From Niche Sites

It depends on how large is your niche site and what kind of niche you are focusing on. Generally, the larger your site is, the more traffic you will get and also the method you monetize your website.

A higher commission rate will help you to make more money. Best still, if you can create your own product or services on your site, you can make even more money. There are already tons of brilliant bloggers creating their own products and sell on their websites.

There is also a trend in selling niche websites, once they generate traffic and eyeballs to your site. Typically, you can sell it for 30 to 40 times of your monthly income. Take for example, if your niche site brings you a $1,000 per month commission, you can sell it at $40,000 to make a huge profit and start another site.

Income School has a YouTube Video, showing you the potential of earning $4,000 in 1 year by following their suggested method.

You can watch it here:

How Long It Takes To Create A Niche Site

Again, it depends on your expectation. If you just want to create a niche site with very basic content and are not using it to generate your main income, you can complete it within a month.

However, if you want to make $4,000 a month from your commission, you should expect to put in more work and time. Time is crucial, so you need to be patient and consistently create high-quality content which people want to read.

The content that you generate on your niche site needs to solve people’s problems. That is the key that will drive traffic to your site and it is how Google will rank your site.

Be realistic, and allow yourself to put in efforts of at least 18 months of consistent working on your niche site. Be patient and keep creating useful content people want.

The knowledge, experience, and efforts you put into your niche site will pay off, once you have to go through the 18 months of effort. It has been proven by those people that succeed in doing this method. Therefore, hang on there and continue your efforts. Do not stop, until you reach your goal.

What Are The Ways To Make Money From Niche Sites

The common 3 ways you can make money on your niche site are:

  • display advertisement
  • affiliate links
  • selling your own products or services

Based on the latest earnings report from Alphabet (Google’s parent company), in Q3 2022 Google’s 57% of its revenue comes from its search ads. This validates the potential money you can get from display ads.

There are many display ads networks you can join, typical ones are Google AdSense, Ezoic, Mediavine, Amazon Native Shopping Ads, AdThrive, and many more.

I am Amazon Associate and have been using Amazon Native Shopping Ads on my websites. It helps me to earn a commission when visitors buy things from Amazon Online Store.

In order to put Affiliate Links on your website, you need to sign up with the respective Affiliate Program. Again, there are many in the market, you just need to choose those matches with your niche sites.

For me, I have Amazon Affiliate for Electronics Products, Wealthy Affiliate for Website Creation, SiteGrounds for Web Hosting, GeneratePress for Theme Plugin. These Affiliate Programs will allow me to earn awesome commissions whenever my visitor clicks on the Affiliate Links.

The most profitable income you can generate is by selling your own products or services on your website. You have better control of your income earnings as well as the product/service features you want to create. However, you need to provide constant support, customer services, after-sales services, logistics support, and many other related support services.

My previous company was in the electronics distribution business, therefore we need to manage a lot of inventory matters, as well as customer support, logistics issue, cash flow management, and many more. It requires a lot of team effort and financial backing. It is a complex regime that you need to manage with care.

In Conclusion

Creating a niche site is still worth your effort and it can be very profitable if you know how to go about it.

The way to approach and make a successful niche site is to learn from successful people who have made it. And there are plenty of them you can find on the internet.

How do you find them and know that they are trustworthy and reliable?

I have done much of the homework for you, therefore you can avoid some mistakes and the struggles I have gone through.

The most important thing is, to take action and create the things you want in life. Do not fear failure, it makes us learn from it and be bolder. Be patient and don’t give up too soon.

Here is the evidence of how I grow my niche site in a year’s time. As I have full-time work therefore I am not able to create more content. Imagine that if you do it full-time, the result will be exponentially higher and bigger.

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