Do Your WordPress Backup Site

It is important to do your WordPress backup site often to prevent any accident from happening. Prevention is better than cure therefore always do your backup on your PC, and on another external storage device. Sometimes virus or malware may attack your website and wipe out all your content. Therefore, learn the method to backup your website’s content.

Using WP Clone Plugin (Update: Rename to Cone Plugin)

I have found the easy way at Wealthy Affiliate community and member from the helpful community has created this tutorial for us to follow. For those of you having a lot of contents, you can fully backup your website using the WP Clone (Rename to Clone) Plugin. It is very useful if your website was created by WordPress, and what you need is simply follow the instruction here and do your WordPress backup.

Just yesterday, my company website was affected by malware when I try to visit the site, and notice Google has marked the site as Not Safe Harmful Site. I went into Google Search Console and checked what are the causes and it took me few hours to discover the Java script malware on my site. I managed to delete them and request Google to review my site. It is OK by now, luckily everything is back to normal for my website.

Using Tools Export

This method is even simple and quick, and it takes you no more than 30 seconds to do the backup. Once you login to your admin dashboard, just go to “Tools” and click “Export”. The default will select “All content” and you can click the “Download Export File” button to transfer the XML file to your PC. It will be in your Downloads Folder.

Wealthy Affiliate founder Kyle has created this video tutorial on backup for all the Wealthy Affiliate members to follow. Kyle recommend WA member to perform this backup before doing any update of WordPress version, or making changes to the theme or website. He suggest us to do weekly backup for our content/website protection.

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