How To Expand Your Business Using Job Search Techniques

How To Expand Your Business Using Job Search Techniques





Today I was clearing my old files and came across some notes I have written, giving me tips and ideas how to find my perfect job and using the right job searching techniques. One phrase stand out loud on a paper: “Stop Thinking About Applying For Jobs And Start Thinking In Terms Of A Marketing Campaign“.

We can learn from those US President election campaigns, most of them secure their job by doing a successful marketing campaign. They do marketing and communicate their values to the target audiences. They are creative and eager to find ways to engage the audiences, and offering a better solution! These are the ideas we should adopt and learn from, to expand our business. We should act like a marketer, defines our target audience and develop messages that appeal to them. Find out how to reach them and execute our campaign.

Job Search Technique 1 – Think Differently

We should make our business expansion exciting and fun. Just like finding a job, we want to work for a place which is fun and exciting. This is true for business too. We want to do businesses with fun people and have a lot of excitement, rather than boring and dead.

Capitalize on whatever opportunity present in the market, and offer your best solutions to your customers. Think uniquely different from others and personalize your approach to each and every customer.

Job Search Technique 2 – Set Your GPS

When we are searching for a job, we need to define the job and position we want to apply for. We want to know the type of work we will be doing and the type of place we will be working at. Apply these same technique in business, we must:

  • decide what industries our business to be involved
  • what level our business will be dealing with? Full turnkey or consignment?
  • what types of products/services your business will be providing/selling?
  • how many departments (marketing, operation, finance) will be needed?
  • what kind of culture you want your business to be? (casual, structured, entrepreneurial)
  • a large company or small startup or in between?

Job Search Technique 3 – Writing a Killer Busines Plan

When you are applying for a job, you would want to write a killer resume. The resume need to be compelling, engaging and highly targeted towards those companies you wish to work for.

For business, you will need similar killer business plan like a resume. The business plan need to be precise and layout how are the marketing and business strategies you need to adopt in your business. You will need to include short-term, medium term and long-term planning for your business. It is wise to include a budgeting plan in your report, so that you know what are the expenses require, and how much profit and revenue you will be generating from your business at each stage of the business.

  • Focus on your target customers – you need to define the type of customers you want and the type of business you want to get involve. This will give you a better ideas of the skills and experiences you need for the business.
  • Focus on what makes your business valuable – to differentiate from your competitors your business need to be unlike others. You need to determine your business values to your target customers, know their needs and find the right solutions to match.
  • The business plan must communicate exactly how your business fit the needs of your target customers. What solutions your business products/services can offer and illustrate how your business can help them.

Job Search Technique 4 – Make Your Mark Online

With internet and the world getting more connected online, a great resume is not good enough to land you a job. Majority of employers also check you out online. What they find online will determine whether you get an interview.

In today business context, you need your business to be Online too. Most customers research online before they purchase their products/services. Many businesses have started go online to make themselves more presence on the internet. If your customer cannot find your business online, it means your business is lacking of online visibility. Your customer may raise concern whether your business is up-to-date with the latest technology and business process know how.

To learn how to get started online, visit my number 1 recommended online course today and sign up for the free starter membership. Click below button.

Job Search Technique 5 – Networking

Networking is the number 1 way to find your next position. You can help others to find job by recommending others, when you find that job suitable for your friend and family members.

In business, it is also about networking. Helping people without expecting anything in return is the best way to network. Every person that you help is a new connection and it may prove valuable to your business down the road. You can be active in relevant blogs and forum, offering your help and advice in your area of expertise and active in that community.

People you already know, or once used to know, can be a great source of help in your business. You should work towards building a thriving and ever growing network, and keeping in touch with that network to open a new world of opportunities for your business. The larger your network, the more likely you can get more business.

Offering volunteer at a non-profit organization in your business area is one of the way to network too. Successful networking is about making mutually beneficial connections in your network.

Job Search Technique 6 – Know Your Own Value

To get your future employer to notice you, you need to show them exactly why they should hire you and only you. You need to highlight your value to them, uniquely and stand out from the crowd. In business, we call this as your business Value Proposition. It is what makes your business products uniquely able to satisfy your customer’s needs.

When the products/services you offer has its own personality, special attribution, different from other companies; your business will convey its distinctive characters and capture your target customer’s mindset.

Human love stories and find them more easy to relate and remember. Stories are a powerful way to engage your customers. Try to incorporate story in your business offering and add value to it.

Job Search Technique 7 – Prove Your Worth

To get your loving job, you would like to outline your achievements in your past jobs and prove to the future employer that you will add value to the company. Same technique apply to business practice, you want to:

  • give specific examples of times your business have demonstrated those qualities and made a difference to a customer
  • provide a brief business description of what your business has impacted your business problem and help them
  • list out what challenges your company has gone through and how your business handled them and what results have been achieved.
  • Show exactly how your business have benefited your customers.
  • Tell your potential customers why your business is the one who will make a real difference
  • create an impact your business have done for your customers and let those potential customers to imagine the impact your business going to have on their business when they use your products/services


Search for more business opportunities is like searching for job opportunities. The techniques you used in finding your dream job can be applied to your business building techniques. I hope this article help you in getting your business grow further and larger each day.

To learn more about new ways to expand your business, especially Online Business, go to my Get Started Page and sign-up for the Free Starter Membership for free Online Learning Course.

There is one particular tool which you must learn to use, it is the Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool. Click on the link, and use it fully to expand your business with ease.






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