Good business to start when you are 50 years and older

At the age of 50 years old or older, what kind of business you think is good to start with? Obviously setting up online business is the way to go. The capital to start an online business is small, comparing with conventional business setup whereby the rental and manpower costs will wipe out your earning. Furthermore, the life expectancy is getting longer with majority of us live past 70 years old. We need to deal with this reality and find ways to utilize the knowledge and experience of the seniors.

Business Ideas

There are various sources for you to tap business ideas when you want to start a business. One particular website which I found recently on the internet about niche market is Nichehacks. They have good comments from SEO Expert Brian Dean at Backlinko and Wealthy Affiliate’s member Dom Wells (He just wrote an article recommending beginner to start with Amazon affiliating products).

Business ideas

e-commerce is getting popular, including the South-East Asia countries. More media-savvy young population are turning to e-commerce site to buy things. This create very good opportunity for senior citizen in every country to tap on this opportunity. As we grow older, we have less energy to move about. Setting  online business is a perfect business venture for 50 years old and more people to create a new business on the internet.

In Indonesia, a new e-commerce site has been setup in February 2015 and is aimed to become “Alibaba of Indonesia”. According to market survey, online commerce is a US$100 billion business opportunity. Many companies are coming on board to ride this digital revolution. Individual must adapt to this changes.

Many emerging markets like Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam are also going into the e-commerce business. Senior citizen can tap on this growing trend for the overseas market. Even India Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pledged on 1st July 2015 that he will bring Internet connectivity to all Indians, by upgrading the digital infrastructure in the country which has a population of 1.25 billion.

Digitization will change the way we live, learn, work and play. More seniors are accessing the internet and they are using smartphone to access the information they need. According to recent survey, those age 50 years and above are the highest group that uses the internet in 2014. Do you want to miss this boat? Better not and start learning how to create your online business to target this senior group of users who are 50 years old and above. Seniors are starting to surf the internet regularly, since they have more free times.

Wonder how to start your business and need help? Come with me, here! I will guide you.

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6 thoughts on “Good business to start when you are 50 years and older”

    • Dear Sunny,

      Yes, at 50 is closer to retirement and this is good way to create another activity for the next phase of life. As saying go, do nothing when you are retired is going to kill you, therefore starting online business at 50 is going to be a wonderful experience for all of us.
      Best regards from Thomas!

  1. a very great article indeed. Being in my 50’s myself I can certainly relate. I think having the opportunity to make money in this fashion to be one of the best opportunities available today. Keep up the great work and look forward to seeing more of your writing.

    • Dear Ralph Martin,

      Thank you for the best wishes. I will and continue to contribute good articles to help senior having a good life in their next phase. With their vast knowledge, I believe they can contribute a lot to the business community.
      Best regards from Thomas

    • Dear Shara,
      Thank you for your remark. Indonesia has a large population and I believe more senior citizen will be interested to learn more about online business opportunity.


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