It is time for me to speed up my online business, since I am jobless now. My company has decided to close down the office and all the employees will be laid off. Although I have started creating my online business 2 years ago, I did not go full swing as my work takes up most of my times even after work. It is pressing urgent now since I am jobless without income.

Just Do It
Nike slogan is very effective in helping us do our work. Without thinking and worrying too much, what we need to do is, just do it. By doing small thing one at a time and do it consistently, I believe we will be able to realize our goal and dream. Today I went for a run and I set my goal to run for 15km, although I feel tired at times during the run but I persistent and continue my run. Eventually I achieve my goal of running 15km, and I feel so excited and rewarding when I acheive my target.
A confidence and healthy mind set helps us to boost our morale and lift us to the next level of achievement. We feel great about ourselves and it is going to make us feel good.
I am very fortunate to found an online platform, allowing me to setup an online business with 4 simple steps. Online business is an internet business. As long as you know how to use computer to access internet, and use search engine before, you can start your own online business.
There are many ways you can start online business, you can open your online store, helping small business to setup website, promote other people/company products using Affiliate marketing techniques. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you all these skills. For those who want to learn SEO, there are plenty of lessons for you to learn too.
Focus On Today And Now
One thing I learned today from Dale Carnegie book – How to stop worrying and start living, is the advice from Sir William Osler – who has organized the world-famous Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. When he was a young medical student, one day in the spring of 1871 he read words from Thomas Carlyle that helped him lead a life free from worry: “Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.”
Think about just today and do your ulmost best for the day. Do not worry about the past and the future. Just focus on today and now, the present. Do what lies ahead of you at hand, and do what you can see now. Past is past and future is uncertain, therefore stop worry about all these and put your effort on now, the present time that is with you.
Follow Those Who Did it
There are many successful Wealthy Affiliate members who have achieved success in their online business. We can learn from them and follow what they do, step by step. One of the members you may wish to learn from, is Steve with nick name IveTriedThat. He has created a wonderful post Top 9 Tips for Internet Marketing Beginners. Please check it out here.