What is the best business for senior like me ? — Read here

There are many kind of businesses you can start with, but for senior citizen I would recommend the Online business. Why? As a senior citizen, you will have more times spending at home and the ideal business to setup at home is Online business. The setup cost is cheaper because there will be no rental to pay and you are not required to travel to work. You can work from home, choosing the time you wish to start and decide when you want to stop work. Full flexibility and control you can manage by yourself.

online business you can consider

More people are also accessing the internet on their computer and by their smartphone. This has increased the opportunity for the online business and this trend will continue for more years ahead. Consumers are accessing services online and shop for products on the internet to save time. More technologies are also being developed to take advantage of this fastest growth market.

Various types of online business you can decide on, for example online store selling your products or go into affiliate marketing business promoting other people products on your website and earn commission from your recommendation.  e-commerce is also another business model you may think of. You can also go online to provide your customers more enhanced shopping experiences. By tapping the online world, you can actually reaching out to wider market and more business opportunities.

new market opportunities

Being senior myself, I can relate better to them how they feel and think when facing issue to make a decision. Senior citizen do not rush into making commitment, and are more mature in thinking for long term commitment. The years ahead are not much, therefore seniors are more cautious to avoid wrong commitment of their capital and resources.

Want to learn about online business? Feel free to visit my Get Started page above.

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15 thoughts on “What is the best business for senior like me ? — Read here”

  1. great site and interesting niche. My father is into his 80’s but he is still teaching part time. I think he finds the travel a bit difficult although he loves the job. I think this would be perfect for him. I know about WA but I think you have done a good job in presenting it to the older generation.

    • Dear Dougd,

      Thank you for the comment. I am very glad to hear that at the age of 80’s your father still teaching part-time. This is awesome and I really salute him. With online platform, he can consider to teach online, at home anytime he choose to be and anywhere he wish.

  2. Interesting topic ! I think online business is great for anyone and especially if you are a senior and also computer literate.

    It does not require a lot of mobility, can be done from anywhere and at anytime.

    The best part about doing online business as a senior is that seniors have tonnes of experience in life, business or work so they have plenty of niches that they can go into and provide really good advice.

    Excellent suggestion !

    • Yes, you are absolutely right. With their vast experience and knowledge, they are a vital force to contribute to the society and make this world a better place to live. With our life expectancy becoming longer, we need to encourage seniors to continue working and online business is the very best business opportunity in the world created for them.

    • Yes AL,
      Most seniors have vast knowledge and experiences that they can share and teach the younger generation. With Online business, there is minimum movement requirement and it is well suitable for them to work.

  3. Hey Thomas

    I am not quite a senior, but have considered several times what I want do when am one.

    My conclusion was quite simply as you stated above, I want to have my own online business.

    I want to be able to work the hour that suite me and not have worry about my bills at the end of the month.

    So I started with my online business in a niche that I am passionate about through Wealthy Affiliate about 6 months ago and it is really taking off now.

    It is by far the only thing I could ever see myself doing now. I absolutely love it!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences with others.

    Marc Parsons

  4. Hi Thomas,

    I’ve been searching for an opportunity of online business, and accidentally stumbled upon your website.

    Well, I’ve been curious if your method there can also be applied for a younger people like me? Or, am I need many experiences and knowledge to start this?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Dear Alblue,

      Sure. You will also do well for your online business once you learn all the lessons at Wealthy Affiliate online course. As I try to follow on niche market for 50 years old and above to get more traffic, you can apply for your age group too. Welcome to join our community.

  5. Hi
    That’s a nice post and one that is quite informative and thus very helpful to us readers when seeking quality information about businesses that guys can do if they are 50 amd above. These These are people with years of wisdom and experience; they have a lot hey can do online!
    Thanks again for your informative post and all the best in your online endeavors for 2016.

    • Thank you for the comment. I wish all the seniors will be able to read my blog and take on this opportunity to setup their online business to put their knowledge and experiences into good use.

  6. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online with the least initial investment. I host earnrecurringrevenuefromhome .com on WA and as a member, I can say that the training is priceless on WA to build a sucessfull affiliate business. There are few, if any website builders that offer a free option, with the advanced training WA brings. WA has never left one of my questions unanswered, as there are thousands of helping community members. People need to realize that success with the affiliate business takes a lot of time and dedication. Why is your targeted audience age 50 and above when age is just a number and anyone can start a sucessfull online business at any age? Great site, Cheers!

  7. I believe that this is the best place to be for older people and that is working for yourself, because you don’t have to worry about work problems and getting into the rat race and besides the benefits of running a home base business is so awesome. Thanks for sharing you post has a lot of good information and is well detailed. All the best to you.

    • Dear Norman,
      Glad that you find a lot of useful information on this website and may all the tools and knowledge can generate good business for you.

  8. I think I might introduce my father to this site – he’s one of those individuals that has to have something worthwhile to do ALL the time…no rest for the wicked and all that!
    Just last week he was applying for a security job…in a pub…my mother was not happy!
    This sounds like a great way for him to channel all his intelligence – great site!

    • Hi Chris, very good move indeed to get your father into Online business. He is definitely going to love it and may even get your mother joining him too into this business.


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