Things to consider when choosing your domain name

Choosing the right domain name for your website could be challenging and I would suggest you to consider several factors, including the domain name size, domain registration period, keyword-rich domain name and nonsensical domain name.

Domain name size

It is easier to remember short domain name but longer domain name can help to bring in highly targeted traffic, resulting in higher conversion. Shorter domain name is used to attract more broader traffic. There is a trade-off between how easy to remember the domain name and its relevancy to the search result.

Domain registration period

The age of the domain is a ranking factor and it is advisable to buy the domain name with more than one-year registration period. Study has shown that with multiyear registration period, search engines will look at the domain name more favourably than those with single-year registration period.

Keyword-rich domain name

Single-word domain name tends to cost more money to purchase than domain name with two- or three-word combinations. You can consider to use easy-to-remember word combinations that help to describe your website. Using keyword research tool like Jaaxy also help you along the way.

Nonsensical domain name

You can be creative by using nonsensical domain name, simply combine two or more words into a new word. Doing an inventory of those keywords which you think relevant to your website and combine some words or part of them to form your nonsensical domain name.


When buying domain name, it is better to separate it from buying a hosting service. Smaller hosting providers often charge more for the domain name, and it may tying your domain name with them and make it difficult for you if you want to move to another hosting provider. Buying your domain name from the domain name resellers will allow you to switch hosting providers quickly, just changing your DNS settings.

Buying domain name from Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate has introduced new feature allowing you to buy domain name easily from it. You can purchase from SiteDomains platform within Wealthy Affiliate. Before buying a domain name, you can research within SiteDomains.

Here are the advantages when you purchase the domain at Wealthy Affiliate:

  • include email accounts
  • instant DNS
  • privacy
  • domain security
  • price protection

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Visit my “Get Started” page.




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