What are the ways to attract traffic to your website? You must be a valuable information resource through your online platform and you must provide value. Be useful to your customer.
You need to show that you understand your potential customer’s problems and desire. One way to do it, is to create online resource for them to refer. You can provide immense amount of free information to them, and once you have the traffic you can put up your paid products or services for your customers to consider.
Here are some of my suggestions:
- Win visitors heart
- Build trust on your site
- Use Google Featured Snippets
- Use catchy title and headline
- Learn from others
- Attract Traffic tips I learned on Sep 24th 2018
Win their heart to attract traffic
Many people say there are already a lot of information on the internet for people to consume. But you know what, we know it is usually very hard for us to find the good information to solve our problems. Thus, if you can create valuable information and help people to rectify their problem, you will win their heart.
There are many opportunities out there for us to grasp, and what we need is to become an expert in the field we want to solve. By demonstrating our expertise, people will come to your website and they will refer more people to visit and traffic will increase further. People have problems and desires and they always look for solutions. When you help them with those problems, something very powerful will happen.
By giving our expertise first to help others and later the reward will come is the best business model in the new internet age. You have to give without expecting any return, and you will be surprised how often the “return” often outweighs the original generosity. When you share your expertise freely, you are not giving anything away. You still own it and never loose it. By sharing will lead to more people knowing you.
How to win people hearts? Here are the basic characters people like:
- helpful
- honest
- trustworthy
- generous
- fair
- understanding
When you have create your online platform with trustworthy resources and show that you understand your customers problems and desires, and you are here to help them. You will win their hearts.
Here is the formula for success: Know + Like + Trust = Belief
All of us prefer to do business with people and brand we like. We also trust the integrity of the provider that our problem will be solved. With like and trust leads to the belief in us.
Site trust
Depending on which search engine the searches use, if they are using Google then you will need to understand how Google provide the right answer to them. One way to master the know-how, is to learn how Google indexed your website and Google expert Matt Cutts show you How Search Works.
Google Featured Snippets
Featured Snippets will increase your website traffic because searchers can get direct and instant answers for their queries. The click through rate is reported to increase steeply. Some call Featured Snippet as Rich Answer or Direct Answer.
What are the ways to get your website on Featured Snippets? Your content should be specific, detailed and provides direct answer to searcher’s query. Using a direct Question and Answer format is recommended. Use structured data markup language and put your keywords in H2/H3/H4 header.
Use Catchy Title, Headline
Even your article appearing on Page 1 of Google, you still need to compete with other 9 articles on the same page. In order to stand out among others, you can use “Here” or “Now” in your title, description and headline.
Number is also a very good idea to attract attention. For example, “15 Impossibly Adorable Knitting Patterns For The Baby” uses number in the title.
Learn From Other Experts
I like to learn from others, especially those that have gone through a lot of their own mistakes and eventually achieve success. It is good to pick up useful tips from them and we will save a lot of our times and energy. Not repeating the same mistakes as they took before and we can achieve success faster.
One article I found on the internet teaching you How To Increase Website Traffic is from the blog of mythemeshop. Do have a read about it.
Attract Traffic Tips I learned on Sep 24th 2018
- There are 3 fundamental components of the search framework: document relevancy, link building and authority, and the technical optimization.
- As internet marketer, we must understand what the searchers are searching for, and we must create relevant content to solve their problems.
- All the search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo all try to answer searchers queries in the most efficient way.
- Do not create new page if your keyword is only slight variation, instead put that keyword in the same content page. Use Latent semantic indexing technique.
- Putting too many same keyword on single page/post will lead Google to mark you as keyword stuffing.
- Title tag is the most important element of On-Page Optimization
- Link which is above-the-fold has more value.
- Linking your content to good resources of the topic you are discussing could be rewarded by Google.
- Updating of the old content will help to boost your ranking, and it also freshen up your page/post.
- Do not change your URL as Google will treat that as page migration.
- Using heading tags will help to layout your web page logically.
- Try to fit your keyword in your heading for On-page optimization.